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claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius.
Children love to play with their parents' tools... in the Tecno carry-case they find all the most common tools, very realistic, perfectly working and totally safe. They also find all types of screws, nuts, bolts and washers that they need to match to...
Build complex three-dimensional structures, connect the gears and set it all in motion in a spectacular chain reaction! This ingenious construction system has a plastic chain that lets you transfer movement between gears that are not connected. A gre...
Build complex three-dimensional structures, then insert the gears and put everything in motion with a spectacular chain reaction! This clever building system allows you to transmit movement also to gears very far from each other thanks to the chain:...
All kids are fascinated with their folk's toolbox. Our Tecno Toolbox comes with a realistic and completely safe reproduction of the most common handyman tools, including a cross tip screwdriver, a slotted screwdriver, a wrench bar, and a hex key. The...
Assemble your own marble runs with this excitingly challenging construction set. Reproduce the layouts pictured on the box or have fun experimenting with new designs. Interlocking chutes, bridges, pillars, and spinning wheels can all be combined in c...
A strategy game for two or more players, with two levels of difficulty. Using deductive reasoning and logic, the "decoder" has to break the "secret code" made up by the other player, in the least amount of tries. Then it's the first player's turn to...